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Abernethy Elementary School
ACCESS Academy Alternative Program
Ainsworth Elementary School
Alameda Elementary School
Alliance High School at Kenton
Alliance High School
Arleta K-5
Astor K-8
Atkinson?Elementary School
Beaumont Middle School
Benson?High School
Beverly Cleary K-8
Boise-Eliot/Humboldt Elementary School
Bridger Creative Science School
Bridlemile Elementary School
Buckman Elementary School
Capitol Hill Elementary School
Chapman Elementary School
Chief Joseph Elementary
Clark K-5
Cleveland?High School
College & Career Readiness
Creston K-5
Cesar Chavez?School
da Vinci Arts?Middle School
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School
Duniway Elementary
Faubion PK-8
Forest Park Elementary School
Franklin?High School
George Middle School
Glencoe Elementary School
Grant?High School
Grout Elementary School
Harriet Tubman Middle School
Harrison Park?Middle School
Hayhurst Elementary School
Hosford Middle School
Ida B. Wells High School
Irvington Elementary School
Jackson Middle School
James John Elementary School
Jason Lee Elementary School
Jefferson High School
Kellogg Middle School
Kelly Elementary School
Lane Middle School
Laurelhurst K-8
Lent? K-5
Lewis Elementary School
Lincoln?High School
Llewellyn Elementary School
Maplewood Elementary School
Markham Elementary School
McDaniel?High School
Metropolitan Learning Center
Mt. Tabor?Middle School
Future Now
Ockley Green Middle School
Odyssey Program
Pioneer Special School Program
Portland Evening and Summer Scholars
Richmond Elementary School
Rieke Elementary School
Rigler Elementary School
Robert Gray Middle School
Roosevelt High School
Rosa Parks Elementary School
Rose City Park Elementary School
Roseway Heights Middle School
Sabin Elementary School
Scott Elementary School
Sellwood Middle School
Sitton Elementary School
Skyline K-8
Stephenson Elementary School
Sunnyside Environmental K-8
Vernon K-8
Vestal Elementary School
West Sylvan Middle School
Whitman Elementary School
Winterhaven K-8
Woodlawn K-5
Woodmere Elementary School
Woodstock Elementary School
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Atkinson Elementary School
Where diversity is celebrated!
?Donde se celebra la diversidad!
5800 SE Division Street
Portland, OR 97206
Ph 503-916-6333
Fx 503-916-2606
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Outdoor Learning Gardens / Jardines de Aprendizaje
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Mission statement / Declaraci¨®n de misi¨®n
How to Enroll / Como inscribirse
Daily schedule / Horario diario
School Supplies / Listas de ¨²tiles escolares
Bus Schedules 2024-25
Before and After Care / Cuidado de ni?os antes y despu¨¦s de la escuela
Food menus / Men¨²s de comida
Atkinson Elementary PTA / PTA de la Escuela Primaria Atkinson
Atkinson Foundation / Fundaci¨®n de Atkinson
Site Council / Consejo Escolar
Academics | Acad¨¦micas
Academics / Acad¨¦micas
Common Core Standards / Est¨¢ndares b¨¢sicos comunes
Talented and Gifted (TAG) / Talentosos y Dotados
K-12 Health Education / K-12 Educaci¨®n sobre salud
Kindergarten | Jard¨ªn de Infancia
Teachers & Staff | Maestros y personal
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Teacher Wish Lists