PPS Maps and Facility Data
District PDF Maps
These district maps vary in size and detail. The medium
and large layouts and are intended for large format printing.PPS District Map 2024-2025 Small (11x17)
PPS District Map 2024-2025 Medium (24x32)
PPS District Map 2024-2025 Large (36x48)
PPS Focus Options, Language Immersion,Charters Schools and Early Learning Sites (11x17)
PPS School Finder
GIS For Schools: Online Maps for Classroom Education
Maps are powerful tools that expand students’ understanding of the world, its physical systems, and human populations. Interactive, digital maps increase engagement and support deep exploration of materials.
When asked to sign-in, use the blue button that says Portland Public Schools.
School Finder is a simple web map tool for finding attendance boundaries and basic information for PPS neighborhood schools.If you do not have a fixed address or are living in unstable housing and would like help enrolling your child in school, please call 503-916-5770 or visit the McKinney-Vento website.
School Finder es una herramienta sencilla para buscar en un mapa en línea las delineación de las áreas de asistencia de las escuelas, y donde también podrá encontrar información básica sobre las escuelas de PPS de los vecindarios.
Si no tienen una dirección fija o se encuentra en una situación inestable de vivienda y le gustaría recibir ayuda para inscribir a su hijo en la escuela, por favor llame al 503-916-5770 o visite la página del programa McKinney-Vento website
Ti?ng Vi?t
School Finder (Tìm Tr??ng) là m?t công c? b?n ?? web ??n gi?n ?? tìm ranh gi?i tr??ng h?c và thông tin c? b?n cho các tr??ng trong khu v?c PPS.
N?u quý v? không có ??a ch? c? ??nh ho?c ?ang ? trong tình tr?ng nhà ? không ?n ??nh và mu?n giúp ghi danh cho con em ?i h?c, xin g?i s? 503-916-5770 ho?c truy c?p trang web McKinney-Vento website
School Finder是一个简单的网络地图工具,用于查找PPS邻区学校的出勤界限和基本信息。
«School Finder» (поиск школы) – это веб-карта для определения границ посещаемости школы и базовой информации о школах Портлендского школьного округа.
Если у вас нет постоянного места жительства или вы проживаете в нестабильном жилье и вам нужна помощь в зачислении ребенка в школу, позвоните по телефону: 503-916-5770 или посетите веб-сайт: McKinney-Vento.
School Finder (Dugsi Raadiye) waa aalad khariideed web ah oo loo adeegsado raadinta dugsiyada kuu dhaw iyo macluumaad aasaasi ah oo ku aaddan dugsiyada xaafadaha PPS.
Haddii aadan lahayn cinwaan sugan ama aad deggan tahay guryeyn aan rasmi ahayn aadna jeclaan lahayd in lagaa caawiyo inaad ilmahaaga ka diiwaangaliso dugsi, fadlan wac 503-916-5770 ama booqo