• 2020/2021 POLICIES  


    The following is a list of policies that have come before the committee in 2020/2021, including the date that each policy has been on the committee agenda.

    Click on each date to view the full agenda and materials for that meeting 


    Anti-Racist & Anti-Oppression Learning Communities (All Students Belong) 2.10.015-P

    Climate Crisis Response 2.xx.xxx-P  

    • May 10, 2021

    Comprehensive Health Education 6.40.013-P (adopted 3/2021)

    • J

    Computer Use 8.60.040-P

    • May 10, 2021

    District Foundation Policy

    • May 10, 2021

    Formal Public Complaints 4.50.032-P 

    • May 10, 2021

    Indemnification Policy 5.xx.xxx-P

    Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy 1.80.020-P

    • May 10, 2021

    Preservation, Maintenance, and Disposition of District Real Property 8.70.040-P (adopted 3/2021)

    Professional Conduct Policy 5.10.064-P ()

    • May 10, 2021

    Search and Seizure Policy 4.30.040-P  

    Student Anti-Harassment and Teen Dating Violence Policy 4.30.060-P

    • May 10, 2021

    Student Assignment Policy 4.10.045-P

    Student Conduct and Discipline 4.30.010-P 

     Student Representative Duties 1.20.012-P

     Student Suicide Prevention 4.30.050-P

     Title IX 4.30.060-P

    Workplace Harassment Policy 5.10.060-P

    • May 10, 2021