• 2020 Bond Security Projects - $25,900,000

    2020 Bond funds for the Security Program include:

    • Adding locking hardware to all classroom doors throughout the district.

    • Updating intrusion alarm systems.

    • Adding additional security cameras. 

    Adding New Locking Hardware to Classroom Doors
    Previously, the majority of classrooms throughout the District required use of a key or a sub-standard lock to secure a classroom door.  Bond funds are being used to upgrade all classroom door locks to the current district standard that allows for a door to be secured by hand from the inside of a classroom.  Roughly 81 sites, and a total of over 2,900 door locations, will receive new door hardware as part of this work.

    January 2024 Locking Hardware Update
    Most classrooms and common areas had hardware replaced before school started in September 2023. Classrooms inside each building can now be locked from the interior by pushing a button on the lever; teachers no longer need to open the classroom door to lock the handle with a key. Doors with panic bars, which are commonly found in larger spaces, can be locked from the inside by turning the thumb turn until the indicator says “locked.” These doors will still allow free egress when locked from the interior, but prevent access from the exterior unless a key is used.

    Portable classrooms have been provided with door hardware that will remain locked from the exterior at all times, while also allowing free egress. This hardware was installed on all portables in October 2023.

    There are a considerable number of fire doors that are assumed or tested positive for hazardous materials (approx 275 across 34 sites). These doors will need to be replaced in order to have new secure and accessible hardware installed. Replacement is expected to begin mid-January 2024 and will continue throughout the school year until all doors have been replaced. This work will occur after students have been dismissed for the day. The estimated completion is at the end of August 2024.

    Updating Intrusion Alarm Systems.
    Funds are also being used to upgrade or replace intrusion alarm systems to allow for remote control and integration with other building security systems. 

    January 2024 Intrusion Alarm Update
    Work is underway now and is already completed in over a third of PPS schools. The project is on schedule, having completed 8 out of the 15 Phase One schools so far. The intrusion alarm program is estimated to be completed at all schools by the end of 2024. 

    Installing Additional Security Cameras
    Design work for security camera installation is underway now. Installation of the first set of schools began in May 2023. We are under construction at three of the phase 1 schools with two more starting in early 2024. Jefferson High School is 100% complete and ready to begin operation. Cameras are being installed at Cleveland High School and will begin recording online at the end of January 2024. Work is estimated to be completed at all schools by the end of 2024. 

    January 2024 Security Camera Update
    In response to incidents at Jefferson High School in 2022, several new cameras were added to the exterior of the school in the first weeks of 2023.  As of January 2024, PPS has completed the installation of all interior and exterior cameras at Jefferson, adding another 12 exterior and over 30 interior cameras to the campus.