• Acceleration


    Differentiation strategies implemented in our classrooms:


    ¡ñ Curriculum compacting

    ¡ñ Depth/Complexity

    ¡ñ Flexible grouping

    ¡ñ Higher level questioning

    ¡ñ Independent projects, acceleration through AP & Honors classes are also available.

    ¡ñ Tiered Instruction

    ¡ñ Using pre-assessments to inform instruction


    Acceleration is determined in the following ways:



    ¡ñ Through parent, student, and counselor recommendations and expressed interest in advanced work

    ¡ñ If student is working above grade level in two or more academic subject areas

    ¡ñ If student can demonstrate proficiency on Pre and Post Assessments



    Options for Acceleration


    ¡ñ&²Ô²ú²õ±è; courses


    ¡ñ Enrollment in both on & off (beyond age level peers) campus classes

    ¡ñ Honors (subject acceleration in classroom using advanced materials/curriculum)

    ¡ñ Online courses



    Off Campus Acceleration Options:

    •  online courses
    •  Link Program
    • Reed Program


    Additional services available for TAG students:

    • Advanced Scholars
    • Constitutional Law Team
    • Drama
    • Mock Trial Program

    Students that wish to access acceleration options can do so by talking with their counselor, teachers, and/or administrator.