
  •  Additional Ways to Earn Credit

    College Classes

     Students at MLC are encouraged to strive to be academically challenged. In support of this goal some students choose to take classes at local community colleges during their senior year. For more information on this talk to your counselor.

     Service Learning

    Every high school student has the unique opportunty to earn a minimum of 0.5 credits of community service (65 hours) each year of attendance at MLC. This service learning project is designed by the student with the guidance of the College and Career Counselor. It is, ideally, an extension of their career pathway choice. Community service cannot be a paid position, and should be service to an individual or community organization. There are many community service opportunities available at MLC and throughout the City of Portland. To get started, students must meet with the Career Coordinator to obtain the paperwork packet and complete the pre-approval form. Click  for the Service Learning Packet. 

    MLC high school students and families can research, inquire and confirm service learning opportunities on their own and/or seek the help and support of others in the community including from Michelle (MLC's Career Coordinator).

     and  are two great resource that allows students to search for specific opportunities. Use Advanced Search function.   

    Work Experience

    MLC recognizes student involvement in worthwhile activities related to paid employment. Work experiences will not be directly supervised by school personnel and therefore are not covered by District Liability or Worker’s Compensation. Work experience credit is limited to six credits during the student’s school career. A minimum of 260 hours of paid off-campus activity with evaluation is required for one work credit. See Jeanette or Michelle for paperwork.

     Credit by Exam

    Through Credit by Exam, students may challenge the following subjects:

    • Health
    • World Languages (STAMP Test) See counselor to register.

    Students cannot take an exam for a subject they are currently enrolled in or have already successfully completed. You should call Portland Public School’s TAG office at (503)916-3358 for questions or to register for the exam.

     Outdoor School

    At MLC, we encourage students to support Multnomah County’s unique program as Student Leaders. MLC students in their 9th through 12th grade years may participate in one or two sessions (weeks) per year with a maximum of 0.50 elective credits earned per year and a maximum of 1.0 elective credits earned during high school. All teachers must authorize the student’s participation and does so with the assumption that all coursework in missed classes will be completed. NOTE: Students need to be current with their work/credits.


    Credit Recovery- 

    Students that need credit recovery can explore various possibilities with their MLC counselor including the ones below:

     @ MLC

    Portland Evening & Summer Scholars @ Grant High School

    Check with your counselor for non-PPS options