World LanguagesMission
- All students can learn a second language.
- Learning takes place in a variety of settings and styles.
- A proficiency-based approach and use of best practices leads to competence.
- A substantial body of research continues to support the many benefits of starting second language acquisition as early as possible.
- A long sequenced, articulated program of study results in higher levels of proficiency.
- Second language learning fosters a sense of humanity and friendship along with an increasing understanding and sensitivity to other languages and cultures.
- Second language learning provides insights into one's first language.
- Learning one second language facilitates the learning of additional languages.
- Proficiency in a second language is an asset in many careers and for professional advancement.
- Skills and concepts acquired through a second language transfer to one's first language.
Objective: Provide access for all students to take AP/IB World Language (Intermediate High) and achieve a Seal of Biliteracy (Inter-High) by raising the proficiency outcomes of High School World Language years 1-4.
Additional Information
2025-2026 WL Scope & Sequence documents coming soon.
Credit by Exam: World Language Credit by Exam is earned by taking the STAMP, WorldSpeak, or the AAPPL. Please visit the Multiple Pathways to Graduation site for more details.
Student Friendly for productive skills (speaking & writing)
For additional information please contact Jennifer Anderson (jeanderson@pps.net) or Lihong Dai (ldai@pps.net).