• Single Subject Acceleration in Mathematics

    for acceleration in the 2024-2025 school year

    Applications must be received by April 15, 2024

    (the window will open March 1)


    Single Subject Acceleration in Mathematics is a process that allows students to be accelerated in mathematics instruction by one grade beyond their current grade level for the following school year. Students must be in grades 2-5 or enrolled in 7th grade Common Core Mathematics at the time of application. This process is not appropriate for multiple-year acceleration or for acceleration through a credit-bearing math course such as Compacted Mathematics Year 2, Algebra 1/2, or Geometry. Double acceleration is not supported by this process. 





    1. To get started, talk with your child’s teacher: Teachers, students, and families work in concert to determine if there are indicators of readiness for a higher math level. You can also reach out to the TAG Facilitator at your child’s school. Click HERE to get a school list. Applications should not move forward without compelling evidence from multiple data points that indicate a student is working above grade level in all math domains. Examples of data points include MAP Mathematics assessments, i-Ready Diagnostic assessments, Performance Tasks for above grade level content, End-of-year assessments for the grade above.

    2. Application (completed by the family): Families will provide information about their child, give consent, and sign for receipt of information through an online or paper application. There is a link to the application below.

    3. Data Review (completed by the school or TAG office):  Evidence should indicate that the student demonstrates exceptional ability in mathematics and proficiency in their current grade level standards AND the grade level above in all math domains. Additional testing and teacher input will be part of the review process.

    4. Decisions (completed by the school team): School teams consisting of the TAG facilitator, administrator and the teacher will make final decisions and share the information with the TAG office and the families



    Please read this guidance and meet with your child's teacher before starting the application:


    Window opens March 1, 2024



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