• Activities & Celebrations


    Each month, our buddy classes join together for a CARE celebration assembly.  During this time, we teach and reinforce our CARE values and other character traits connected to Caring School Community.  We also acknowledge classrooms for attendance performance and classrooms that have received the most Class CARE cards throughout the month.  Teachers nominate individuals from their classes who have done an exceptional job demonstrating the CARE value of the month. On occasion, we will have student leaders perform or present something at a CARE assembly.   These monthly assemblies are designed to foster community, reinforce our values and acknowledge individuals and groups that are demonstrating our values. 



    It is our goal to recognize and acknowledge classroom communities who are working together to demonstrate our CARE values.  One way we do this is through Class CARE Cards. When classes are observed making choices that reflect our school expectations by being Community Minded, Always Safe & Respectful, Responsible and Engaged, we acknowledge their choices with verbal praise and a Class CARE Card. In order to promote the internalization of these values and ability to demonstrate the skills across environments, the Class CARE Cards are given by an adult who is not the classroom teacher.  Each month we tally how many Class CARE cards each classroom has received and that classroom receives a Golden Cougar at the monthly CARE Assembly. 


    These assemblies are sometimes theatrical or music performances that are paid for by our annual Fun Run. Because these assemblies are often for the whole school, there is limited space for parents. Whenever possible, we will invite parents to join us for these events via fliers and/or School Messenger.  



    Throughout the school year we will have spirit days to encourage students to show their school spirit. In an effort to provide leadership opportunities for our students, we are waiting to determine the details until we have student input. Look for upcoming spirit days on our website and in the Family Bulletin.