All Kelly students will attend drama, physical education and library class each week. Our drama special provides students with rich opportunities to develop language, self expression and apply social and emotional skills.  Our media specialist will provide a traditional library experience as well as explore novel and unique activities designed to stimulate creativity and problem solving through hands on activities. Our physical education special will emphasize wellness and self improvement through traditional physical education activities and non-traditional activities aimed at supporting whole child development. We are committed to maintaining these programs at Kelly as we believe strongly in making sure that we have well-rounded students.  




    We partner with Growing Gardens, a community-based organization that provides students with opportunities to engage in hands on learning of life sciences.  Students work with our garden coordinator every other week in the classroom and outside. They learn about plants, insects, habitats, life cycles and much more while planting, growing and harvesting in the garden.




    PlayWorks is a non-profit organization that helps schools promote social and emotional learning during recess and play.  Kelly has a full time recess coach who also runs activities throughout the school day and after school. The PlayWorks program decreases bullying behaviors, increases physical activity and supports learning.   4th and 5th grade students will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills with the Junior Coach program.



    Kelly students participate in a variety of field trip activities which support curriculum at their grade level.  Transportation may be provided by school bus, Tri-Met or walking. A Field Trip Permission form needs to be signed by the parent or guardian granting permission for students to participate. 

    The school sends home a walking permission form in the Opening Day packet.  When parents sign this form, children will be able to take walks to neighborhood destinations such as Parks and the fire station with their class. Parents who wish to chaperone on field trips must complete the Volunteer Form and pass the background check.