Benefits Directory & Resources

  • Benefits

  • Unsure who to contact?

All Employees

  • PPS Benefits Team

  • Worker's Comp

  • Leave of Absence

  • Retirement Information

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • PPS Payroll Office

  • Professional Development

  • Flexible Spending Account (FSA) - PacificSource Administrators

  • PPS 403(b) Plan - Carruth Compliance Consulting

  • Oregon PERS (OPSRP & IAP Accounts)

  • Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace

  • National Health Insurance Marketpalce

Employee Group Specific (click employee group)

  • Employee Group: ATU | DCU | PAT | PFSP

  • Employee Group: Teamsters

  • Employee Group: Non-Represented | SEIU