Diverse, High-Quality & Thriving Workforce

  • In Spring 2021, Portland Public Schools published Forward Together: Strategic Plan for Racial Equity, Inclusion and Excellence, which highlights a foundational theme of "Professional Excellence and Support". We know that to become a world-class school district, we must hire talented people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We also know that our world-class staff needs ongoing professional support and resources. 


    In a step towards realizing our Strategic Plan, Superintendent Guerrero prioritized the "Develop a Diverse, High-Quality & Thriving Workforce" strategic outcome in March 2022.  This work is critical in ensuring:

    • We have a diverse workforce that reflects student demographics through intentional recruitment, hiring, retention, and development of educators of color.
    • We have a high-quality, thriving workforce that is supported by professional experiences throughout the entire employee lifecycle, to ensure each educator’s personal and professional well-being, growth, and success.



  • Goal #1: By June 2025

    Implement inclusive and equitable processes, practices, and accountability systems to decrease racial disproportionality of recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion, prioritizing the growth and development of educators of color in their careers.

  • Goal #2: By June 2025

    Increase the health and well-being of every educator by implementing social, emotional, and wellness best practices and supports, including identifying culturally affirming supports for educators of color.


  • *Educators

    A school district is a community of adults that supports student learning in various ways. For this reason, everyone working at PPS is an educator in the context of our Vision and Strategic Plan. The district pledges to create the conditions to support and cultivate the necessary attributes, which we refer to as the Educator Essentials, in every supportive adult in the system who works to ensure student success.

  • From July 2022 - June 2025, the project team will: 

    • Conduct an Environmental Scan on the life cycle of a PPS educator to better understand best practices and areas to improve. 
    • Evaluate and Vision Attraction & Recruitment Process

    • Develop & Implement Recruitment Plan(s)

    • Evaluate Hiring Process & Provide Recommendations 

    • Onboarding Design Cycle

    • Launch Onboarding Process

    • Workforce Development & Training Design Cycle 

    • Develop & Implement Workforce Development & Training Plan

    • Evaluate and Vision Engagement & Retention Process

    • Develop and Implement reImagined Wellness Plan 

    • Evaluate & Vision Separation Process


    If you have questions about this strategic initiative, contact PPS Human Resources at 503-916-3544 or email hronline@pps.net