

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Birmingham-Southern College Masters of Education, Arts Education Portland State University

Beth Bundy

I am the CTE DIGI (Photography, Graphic Arts and Digital Media) teacher at Lincoln this year and am excited to be here!  


You can access assignments, grades and announcements in .

Late work is accepted for full credit.  It needs to be submitted at least 1 week before the end of the grading period.


Schedule for the 2024/2025 school year:


A Days

Period 1:  Prep

Period 2:  Graphic Arts 1/2

Period 3:  Digital Photography 1/2

Period 4:  Digital Photography 1/2

B Days

Period 5:  DIGI co-lab: Digital Media 5/6 

Period 6:  Digital Media 3/4

Period 7:  Prep

Period 8:  Digital Photography 1/2


If you would like to learn more about the by visiting our website!  You can also donate to the LHS DIGI program through School Pay 


Thanks for your support!

Ms. Bundy 



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