Our Themes

  • The Middle Grades Redesign Plan has been written to align with the district's Strategic Plan. Themes from the Strategic Plan were integrated into the Redesign Plan to provide structure as our team brainstormed specific initiatives to redesign the middle grades experience for our students.

    • Inclusive and Differentiated Teaching and Learning
      Creating learning environments where all grade-level content is engaging, affirming and meaningful.
    • Embracing Change 
      Ensuring our systems allow students to move into the world of tomorrow and do not trap them in the world of today.
    • Racial Equity and Social Justice
      Elevating Black and Native students and families by creating safe, inclusive environments that leverage cultural strengths, and ensure that students see themselves represented.
    • Professional Excellence and Support 
      Developing a culture of care and belonging amongst and between teachers, administrators, and central office, leading to a trusting workplace where everyone feels listened to and valued.


    In considering their own lived experiences, their roles within the district, and the distinct needs of middle-grades students, our committees felt the plan needed a fifth theme specific to middle grades redesign:

    • Integrated Adolescent Supports
      Providing schoolwide programs and systems that foster a sense of belonging, community, and social-emotional well-being for students, staff, and families.
Student in Class