

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Melissa Richman

A little about me:

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and have lived in Portland since 1995. After working as a paraeducator in PPS for five years, I began my full-time teaching career in special education. This is my 9th year teaching in PPS and 5 of those were spent at Woodmere as a communication behavior teacher.  I am very excited to be returning to Woodmere as a learning center teacher and look forward to being part of such a great community again. 

Outside of teaching, I love spending time with and am passionate about my family!  Alexis is starting her junior year at UO, Jackson is starting his junior year at Franklin High School and my husband Chris is also a special education teacher in PPS. When we are not teaching/learning in PPS you might find us on a bicycle tour, camping adventure, hiking, reading, involved in a family game and/or movie night, playing with our yellow lab Tabor, spending time with friends or planning for our next adventure. 


Last Modified on October 28, 2023